
სამზადისი ზამთრის დღესასწაულებისათვის

Preparation for winter holidays

When 2022 is over... and 2023 is upon us. The main holiday of the year is approaching. We are leaving another 1 year in the past, some with happy memories...

Preparation for winter holidays

When 2022 is over... and 2023 is upon us. The main holiday of the year is approaching. We are leaving another 1 year in the past, some with happy memories and some tired with many challenges and difficulties. Maybe it was a special and transformative year for you, or an...

პრინცესა დიანა - სტილის ხატება

Princess Diana - a style icon

Princess Diana is a fashion icon Two decades after the death of Lady Diana, the Princess of Wales went down in history as the most stylish woman, joining the ranks...

Princess Diana - a style icon

Princess Diana is a fashion icon Two decades after the death of Lady Diana, the Princess of Wales went down in history as the most stylish woman, joining the ranks of fashion legends Audrey Hepburn and Jack Kennedy. You might not even know that after all this time, the style...

რა ჩავიცვათ გასაუბრებაზე: სრული გზამკვლევი

What to Wear to an Interview: The Complete Guide

We cannot escape the truth that visuals make the first impression. Today we will talk about how to win the sympathy of a potential employer at the first meeting. Because...

What to Wear to an Interview: The Complete Guide

We cannot escape the truth that visuals make the first impression. Today we will talk about how to win the sympathy of a potential employer at the first meeting. Because the visual language speaks volumes and emphasizes your personality and taste.

სხეულის ფორმები და სამოსი - ინვერსიული სამკუთხედი

Body shapes and clothes - inverted triangle

Inverted triangle This body shape blog is for you, if you love certain clothes but can't afford them and think the problem is your figure, just forget it. Love your...

Body shapes and clothes - inverted triangle

Inverted triangle This body shape blog is for you, if you love certain clothes but can't afford them and think the problem is your figure, just forget it. Love your body, know it and study it. Knowledge is also great power in this matter. We all have Pinterest and Instagram...

კაფსულის გარდერობი

A capsule wardrobe

A capsule wardrobe This blog is for you if you are in love with minimalism. Also for you if you have a hard time matching clothes. And also for you,...

A capsule wardrobe

A capsule wardrobe This blog is for you if you are in love with minimalism. Also for you if you have a hard time matching clothes. And also for you, if you spend a lot of time creating a look and it's all over the place. What is a capsule...

შემოდგომის ფერები - ნარინჯისფერი

Autumn colors - orange

S h e m o d g o m i s f e r e b i About the love of orange and brown The photo is presented from the...

Autumn colors - orange

S h e m o d g o m i s f e r e b i About the love of orange and brown The photo is presented from the collection of Some colors blend together so unpretentiously and It's so pleasing to the eye that you might not even...


what is tweed

Why buy clothes made of tweed fabric? If you want to look rich and solid, tweed is the easiest and best solution for that. This is the universal texture, which...

what is tweed

Why buy clothes made of tweed fabric? If you want to look rich and solid, tweed is the easiest and best solution for that. This is the universal texture, which does not lose its relevance regardless of the season, including in winter, when it is very cold and everyone avoids...