your consent

When ordering or registering on our site, you may be asked for your name, email address, and mailing address. You can also visit our site anonymously without registering your information.

Item return and exchange

The product is damaged during transportation; The product was found to have a manufacturing defect; the characteristics of the product do not match, they differ from the characteristics described on the website; You received another product by mistake.

What information is recorded on the site?

When ordering or registering on our site, we may ask you for your name, email address, and mailing address. You can also visit our site anonymously without registering your information.

What do we use your information for?

Any information we collect may be used: to offer you the best products (your information helps us better understand your individual needs) to improve our website (we constantly strive to improve the description and visualization of products and information on our site) to improve customer service (your information helps us provide timely and efficient response-support according to your requests) transaction processing Your information, whether public or private, will not be sold, exchanged, transferred to third parties or made public, except as required by Georgia law. To administer contests, site promotion, research or other functionality of the site, the email you provide The address may be used to send product or service information.

How do we protect your information?

We follow various security standards to ensure the safety of your personal information when entering or editing any data. We use only secure server. All information provided is transmitted using secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology and is then encrypted in our database. Payment is made only on the bank's personal website, which ensures the highest standards of protection of the buyer's financial information.

Do we use cookies?

Yes (cookies are small files that a website or its service provider sends to your computer in your browser (unless this is prohibited) that allow websites or service providers to remember certain information about your browser. We use cookies to give you A way to check the items in your cart, offer you discounts or promotions on your next visit.