მოდა ბრუნავს: 2000-იანი წლები

Fashion Turns: The 2000s

The beauty of the fashion industry is that trends always repeat themselves. What was fashionable twenty years ago, and has since been pushed to the back of your wardrobe, can now be put back in its place of honor and worn, because it is still trendy.

But don't expect what you wore in the 2000s to match exactly the style we see in modern streetwear today. When "old" trends come back on the scene as new, they are not copied, but modernized, and it combines old and new ideas together.

What is a fact - fashion designers find inspiration in old trends and then offer it in a new way.

Five current trends from the 2000s


1. Vest

In the early 2000s, sparkly or brightly colored vests, which could be worn with or without a shirt, were particularly popular.
We present to you a vest from the BLACK collection, which echoes the trend of the 2000s - it can be adjusted with or without a shirt or shirt. Unlike the old one though, it's much more structured and tailored, replacing jackets with matching bottoms:
Vest: View product details
Shorts: View product details
2. Jeans with jeans
This great 2000s aesthetic has been particularly well-suited to modern jeans and jackets, and it's safe to say that it's much more sophisticated now than it was before:
Jacket: View product details
Shaeval: View product details
3. Open top
Bold cuts have been around since the 2000s and are now making a comeback, as in the age of social media, aesthetic and sexy clothing is particularly popular.
Top: View product details
4. Crop top with low-waisted jeans
During this period, crop tops with a V-type collar cut, which were especially suited to low-waisted jeans, and still are, attract special attention, so BLACK often offers such a combination.
5. A shoulder blade with a short ear
It is thanks to the nostalgic mood of the 2000s that short shoulder bags are so popular today:
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